Dock Leveler
Dock levellers are essential for factories with high production rates and extensive warehouse facilities, which frequently load/unload raw materials and finished goods. Its performs:
• Super Heavy Duty
• Capacity 6-10 tons
• Hydraulically Operated, High Speed Operation
• Split Lip, Spring-locked
• Rust prevention through galvanizing, surface protection through epoxy coating
• Enamel top coat with a User-defined colour scheme, giving you the power to customize your equipment to match your brand or facility aesthetics

Why Choose This Product!
Docking with hydraulic working brings extra power and efficiency to operations. It consists of fewer parts as compared to electronic or mechanical systems which makes it easier to maintain.
Electrically operated with a single push button, automatic and manual systems are implemented on the basis of client requirements. Additionally the appliances are easily compatible with RFID, Id-detection and Bio-metric systems.
These dock levelers are crafted to bear heavy load from 30-60 tons and can easily manage or stop small and large vehicles at high speed. These appliances achieve high security for confidential zones against forced entry or exit of vehicles with hydraulic consistency and strong locking capability.